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Have you ever shared your feeling to someone and all of sudden she said, "Oh yeah I've ever got something worse than that. Listen.. Don't you remember when I got rejected  from that guy? Have I ever told you this thing? Hhmm I was kinda upset, bla bla bla" or like this, "Keep scrolling her phone and didn't give any responses at all." or maybe the worst was like this, "It's okay. You just need to be patient. That is how life going." Then what is the point of me telling you my story, son of a bitch? Oh I am so sorry to write a bad word but whatever screw that. I bet some of you ever got some responses above. But have you ever thought that maybe the mistake doesn't come from the communican but it is come from  the situation? Maybe at that time she was doing something but you just kept talking. Maybe at that time she wasn't in a good mood as well but you wanted to be listened, or maybe you were just too selfish that made people w...


I love English and I love to talk in english. Bicara dalam bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu goal di dalam hidup gue. Menurut gue, berbicara bahasa inggris itu bisa membuat diri terlihat lebih keren, menambah banyak koneksi, dan membuka pandangan gue lebih jauh. Sampe sekarang pun gue masih belajar dan pastinya masih banyak kesalahan - kesalahan yang gue buat. Baik dalam berbicara maupun menulis. Hal itu wajar kok karena yang terpenting adalah terus meningkatkan diri menjadi lebih baik. Karena orang tua gue sangat concern dengan bahasa inggris, mereka mau anak-anaknya agar bisa bahasa inggris dengan baik dan kebetulan juga gue suka sama bahasa inggris jadi gue sangat bersemangat untuk belajar. Hal ini pun udah gue sadari ketika gue duduk di bangku SD. Apapun hal yang mengenai bidang tersebut, gue selalu maju paling depan. Gue mulai les bahasa inggris itu sejak gue duduk di kelas dua SD sampai SMP kelas dua (sepertinya) di PEC namun gak sampai selesai. Padahal waktu itu tinggal...


“Observing yourself is the necessary starting point for any real change.”  —Chalmers Brothers In the past few months, I felt quite depressed and stressed with myself that I didn't know how to described . I felt space out, I felt that my mood swung really bad, I had a hard time to sleep well, and I couldn't channel my emotion. I felt empty a nd started to question myself , "Am I worth it? Am I remarkable?." I guess those questions pop up in my mind becaus e I am such an overthinking person and t hat was the most frustrating and headache inducing part of overthinking action. But after I realized, I felt like this because of some reasons and I need to find a way to get rid of this feeling. After doing some reflections and meditations, I finally understood why I felt this way. I'm not going to tell ya about my things right here but the point is I succeed to bring a good mood to myself again.   So in this post, I am gonna share you some tips how to find ...


I am good enough I am brave I have a kind heart I am wise I am funny I am smart ass I am pretty I take care of myself prettily I am successful I have a beautiful soul I have a great self confidence I am a carefree I am independent I love myself I will surround myself with positive people who will help bring the best out of me I love my body and all it does for me I have the power to change my world I believe in me I am free to make my own choices and decisions I am not afraid to feel my feelings I am open to receive I am loved


Hallo semuanya ... Kembali lagi bersama gue Rizky Camelia Putri di blog gue, dimana gue menceritakan tentang diri gue secara online. Kali ini gue mau sambung cerita ini di bagian kedua. Di bagian ini, gue mau tulis tentang keseharian gue dan pengalaman dengan anak-anak gue yang tak terlupakan. Lebay ya.. haha. Tapi emang tingkah anak-anak itu lucu. Apalagi kalo badannya gemuk dan pipinya bulet. Duh ga bisa marah kayaknya kalo lagi bandel. Berangkat Tepatnya gue berangkat dari rumah sekitar jam 9 lewat karena rumah gue dengan PIK cuma berjarak 15 menit. Saat gue sampe, gue langsung ke atas untuk mengisi student progress anak-anak. Student progress itu bertujuan untuk memantau perkembangan anak-anak, kayak udah sampe halaman berapa mereka belajar dan apa yang mereka pelajari, adapun untuk pegangan Teacher lain kalo misalnya Teacher nya berhalangan hadir. Selain mengisi student progress , kadang gue membuat soal tambahan untuk murid-murid karena ada beberapa dari mereka ya...


Setelah lulus dari perkuliahan, gue memutuskan untuk mencari pekerjaan seperti orang pada umumnya. Gue tahu betul bahwa melamar langsung ke bagian PR atau perusahaan besar membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk dipanggil dan gue gak mau terlalu lama di rumah karena bosan. Karena gue merasa yakin dengan kemampuan bahasa inggris (ya walaupun masih belajar sampai sekarang), jadi gue memutuskan untuk apply di beberapa lembaga kursus di Jakarta. Alasan lain adalah salah satu goal gue dalam bekerja adalah menggunakan bahasa inggris sebagai keseharian.  Dari sekian banyak tempat les yang menghubungi (tsahh), jatuhlah pilihan gue ke tempat A ini (nama disamarkan. Kalo mau tau boleh kirim email). Gue dateng kesana untuk interview sesuai waktu yang ditentukan yaitu jam 12 siang. Untuk tahap pertama, kita diminta untuk mengisi biodata dan seputar pertanyaan dalam bahasa inggris. Selain itu, ada satu lembar kertas yang diminta untuk membuat story telling , terakhir adalah menunggu giliran...


Helloooo... Today's post is gonna be sharing about my routine. Mostly my activity at University and my activity after University. Soo.. let's get started. When I was in Penang, I took 2 subjects from School of Communication, one subject from School of Art, and the other one is from School of Language. I mostly spent my day in library until evening even after class, I quickly went to library. The thing what I like was, there was 24 hours library that I could stay without looking for the time. I still remember that I spent almost 24 hours in library with Zen to do Speech Writing assignment. We need to make a presentation for two days after class so we were in hurry. It actually wasn't that hard, but because that was my first time, I wanted to be perfect. My subjects which I took in USM : Radio Production Creative Communication Production Speech Writing and Public Speaking Acting Class Radio Production I love this class because it seems like I cou...