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I have that one moment when I feel overwhelmed everytime I try to voice my opinion which I think there is nothing wrong with it. Sometimes I end up asking people again even after what I did. For example, my best friends. I ask them to validate my emotions and what I just did. Did I do something right? Were the things I did right? Am I overreacting? Is this the right thing for me to do? Do you think I should stay calm about it all? There are pros and cons to it and if it’s more towards the cons, I’ll feel upset, stressed, and overthinking. I vividly remember that my body feel exhausted, I cannot sleep in a peace, and my mind keep ruminating for certain things. Unfortunately, in Asian culture, most of us tend to be quiet about everything that happens in our lives. We have a feeling that if we try to speak up, there will be some people who will hate us and we overanalyze in our minds that people will look at us differently. That’s quite normal. However, let me stress this to you, there is
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Hello gorgeous! This time I want to talk about human relationship. I'd like to figure things out like why this person behave this way? I always love to learn about this but, this time is a bit different because I watched quite a lot of podcast about human relationships. For instance, Jay Shetty, Stephan Speaks, and Lisa Bilyeu. Of course I don't watch all of their podcast. I choose what I want to watch based on the interviewees. As far as I watched, I'm more to Stephan, Najwa Zebian, Lori Gottlieb, Sadia Khan, and dr. Ramani. Oh I also write a summary that you can find from my highlight on instagram :) and the reason why I wrote that because I might be come to watch the podcast anymore when I feel like I want to but there is a feeling where I think it's tough since the length of videos mostly are 1-2 hours so I decided to make a summary. Maybe you would think that it is such a waste of time because we could get this kind of knowledge from everywhere. Such as, reels from


There are some good things and bad things about growing up. Sometimes you feel happy about it and sometimes you also feel sad about it. But apart from that, there are many great aspects which we can look forward to as we transition from childhood to adolescence, and eventually adulthood. As I grow older, I sometimes miss my childhood moment. When I could chit chatted with my friends, when I enjoyed being in the class, watched some matches in the class meeting, laughed together in the class, and watched some good movies in my friend's apartment. Now, we all apart. We're all busy with our activity and routine. Even if we reunite again, everything doesn't feel the same. But one thing I know for sure, the more I am growing up, the more I know about myself Here are just a few benefits of growing up and all the things you can do in order to set us up for a happy and fulfilling life. YOU REALISE WHAT'S IMPORTANT You will not care about people talking behind your back, or take


Have you ever wondered why people hesitate going to the gym? Don't have enough time to workout? Well that could be. Too tired from the office? That could be too. According to  Better UK  article, the main thing that put people off from going to the gym is lack of self confidence. Lack of confidence is a well-known reason why people don’t go to gym classes, this is particularly prevalent amongst young women, with 22% of women aged 18-34 citing this as their main reason. I have been there before – I pump myself up pre-workout, saying that I am going to give it 110% today. As I make my way across the gym floor, that confident feeling fades fast. Feelings of insecurity are sinking in. Gym anxiety: that self-conscious, confidence-vanishing feeling one experiences when faced with an intimidating, embarrassing, or potentially awkward situation at the gym. It often involves feelings of fear of being judged based on one’s fitness level and/or uncertainty involving equipment or classes. If y


Kalo kalian suka ngikutin reality show dari Korea, pasti kalian gak asing sama acara Heart Signal. Iya.. itu acara reality show yang dimana ada beberapa perempuan dan laki - laki yang tinggal bersama dalam satu rumah besar dan mereka gak boleh saling mengungkapkan ketertarikan mereka secara langsung. Namun, hanya melalui media handphone untuk mengirim pesan yang mereka juga gatau siapa yang mengirim pesan tersebut. Acara ini sempet booming di Korea dan Indonesia karena seseru itu untuk ditonton. Tapi kali ini gue gak bakalan ngebahas tentang acara tersebut. Namun, inspirasi yang gue dapatkan setelah menonton acara tersebut. Berikut adalah Heart Signal Dating Inspiration yang telah gue rangkum setelah gue menonton acara tersebut: Dating Place Buat kalian yang tinggal di Jakarta, pasti bosen banget gak sih kalo ketemu ya kalo engga makan ya nonton. Emang ada apalagi sih? Sebenernya banyak banget lho tempat bagus di Jakarta yang baru dan bisa jadi destinasi inspirasi untuk ngedate kalian.

HI 2022!

Hello 2022! Let me say that 2021 is the worst year ever in my entire life. But it actually could be the best year which I have to be grateful for eventhough it is kind of hard to find silving linings :) In 2021, I learned a lot about mental health and self love. I used to think that self love is similar to self reward when you have to buy something expensive or something you wish before because you just achieved something else. I mean that is completely okay. But, if I always rely on that statement, I will never truly happy. There are too much insecurities in myself. I can get rid of some of them and the rest is I am still struggling until now. Okay, where do I start? Writing Blog If you've been following my blog for years, you'll know that I write a lot and delete my posts again. The only one reason is because I'm insecure with my own writing and I tend to compare it with other people writings who are more powerful than me. But starting last year, I started to be active in


Why we fall in love with someone we cannot have? Do you feel familiar with the title? Or have you ever experienced things like that? If you feel the same way just like me, we can laugh together. But the question is, why is this happening? Isn't that mean you and him are not meant to be together? In my personal opinion, fall in love with someone I cannot have gives me an excitement where I should push myself harder just to get his attention. I know it is not healthy but my brain is keep going without any reasons. But it was in the past. Now, thinking about it is really wasting my time. Why do we fall in love with someone we can't have? Because of the lack of excitement that a “done deal” offers, you may find even the most attractive person boring when compared to a person you just can’t have. Part of this could be your romantic style, which leans more toward an obsession with unrequited love, or it could be a simpler matter of "FOMO" — the fear of missing out. "F