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There are some good things and bad things about growing up. Sometimes you feel happy about it and sometimes you also feel sad about it. But apart from that, there are many great aspects which we can look forward to as we transition from childhood to adolescence, and eventually adulthood.

As I grow older, I sometimes miss my childhood moment. When I could chit chatted with my friends, when I enjoyed being in the class, watched some matches in the class meeting, laughed together in the class, and watched some good movies in my friend's apartment. Now, we all apart. We're all busy with our activity and routine. Even if we reunite again, everything doesn't feel the same.
But one thing I know for sure, the more I am growing up, the more I know about myself

Here are just a few benefits of growing up and all the things you can do in order to set us up for a happy and fulfilling life.

You will not care about people talking behind your back, or take something personally because you realise what's important for you at this time. An important part of this is realising what your values, morals and ambitions are so that you can shape the rest of your life around these. Understanding what's important to you personally will help you to know exactly what to strive for in life and experience the rewards of success, naturally.

When you're young, you know what your hobbies and interests are, your favourite foods, songs and colours and other trivial things along these lines. But getting to know yourself on a deeper level comes with age, time and patience. This can mean finding your 'identity', your place in the world and what kind of life you want for yourself. Knowing yourself lets you live the life you truly want — you know who you are, what you want, and what brings out the best in you. If you’re starting to find that you’re more interested in finding your own passions, rather than following what your friends are doing, then it’s a good sign that you are well and truly on the path to finding yourself.

When I was young, my Mom picked me things that I want to buy rather than giving me an option about what I want to choose. I believe every parents have their own parenting style. But because of that, I have a limited access and didn't actually know what I truly wants. As I grow older, I know exactly what I want and I could decide anything by my own.

Or in other way you become more independent. Well you sometimes need someone to rely on but you trust yourself more. You do everything by your own and you feel satisfied by it because you make things happened. This is because we know that it was our own effort entirely and we didn't receive any outside help that could account for our success.

I have ever in a phase where I feel like I really miss my old friends and felt like they didn't want to stay in touch with me anymore then I started losing some friends. But hey, that's perfectly normal. In fact, it's even regarded as healthy and shows that you're maturing.

As you get older, you also get a lot better at cutting through all the bullshit. You don't tolerate insincerity or flakiness anymore, and you've realized who your 'true' friends are the ones who have stuck by you through thick and thin. These are the friends you'll continue to make time for. Maybe you've decided to let go of the more toxic friendships over time, as well. Or maybe you've outgrown some of your still-not-quite-mature friends, or the overly negative friends. This doesn't mean you don't still care about them: it just means that you realize that they're not the best influence.

You also realize quality matters more than quantity. Simply put you realize you don't need a ton of friends to be happy. But beyond that, you know you don't need much more to be happy and satisfied with your life. You have a few, cherished people in your life that you would do anything for (and vice versa), and that is enough.

It's like going out for a date with yourself on the weekend or creating your own me time for yourself or maybe interacting with different people in different environment or simply just staying at home and spending your time in your room or eating a good food, maybe? People said happiness is simple and I do believe with that statement. 

It doesn't mean you don't care about how you look when you're going outside. But it's more like you wear anything that makes you feel comfortable rather than following the trend because you realise the trend is endless. Besides, you found your own style by as time goes by. Of couse it is by looking at the fashion trend at the very first thing, but you don't so much rely on that because you genuinely believe that there are many important things to be followed.

Do you have something on your mind besides what I describe above? I bet there are tons of your ideas to write about, but I am here just picking the most I feel at this moment. Growing up is positive, but have you enjoyed your time so far?


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