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Have you ever wondered why people hesitate going to the gym? Don't have enough time to workout? Well that could be. Too tired from the office? That could be too. According to Better UK article, the main thing that put people off from going to the gym is lack of self confidence. Lack of confidence is a well-known reason why people don’t go to gym classes, this is particularly prevalent amongst young women, with 22% of women aged 18-34 citing this as their main reason.

I have been there before – I pump myself up pre-workout, saying that I am going to give it 110% today. As I make my way across the gym floor, that confident feeling fades fast. Feelings of insecurity are sinking in.

Gym anxiety: that self-conscious, confidence-vanishing feeling one experiences when faced with an intimidating, embarrassing, or potentially awkward situation at the gym. It often involves feelings of fear of being judged based on one’s fitness level and/or uncertainty involving equipment or classes. If you’ve ever felt this way, know you’re not alone. Gym anxiety is universally experienced by many exercisers. It does not discriminate between gender, size, strength, or how fit you are. 

According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders and affect almost 30% of adults at some point. These feelings, which the APA defines as “anticipation of a future concern,” can manifest as muscle tension and avoidance.
So how do we get rid of that feeling?

As a newbie, that's completely fine if you are still figuring out what to do. The first step being a member at the gym is cool. It means you're one step ahead of other people. But do not let that kind of fear makes you hesitate from going there to workout. There are some tips from me and other articles that could help you to get rid of that kind of feelings.

Hire a Personal Trainer
Have you ever wondered why people want to spend a lot of money on personal trainers? Exactly! That's because personal trainer create a workout program for you that make changes to your body faster. But it turns out that apart from that there are several reasons why people hire a personal trainer. Some people pay a personal trainer is because they are not confidence enough to do workout by themselves. But here's a tip. If you hire a personal trainer, do not rely on the exercise that is given by them. Be specific about your needs. Be active. Ask everything about workout. Ask everything that you still have no clue. Review the exercise by yourselves. So at any time if you don't use a trainer anymore, you can do it yourselves.

Do Research
Who said you cannot workout yourselves when you don't have a personal trainer? Trust me, there are million of workout programs and fitness channels from Youtube. So if you don't have a budget to pay a personal trainer, you could always learn from the Youtube. Either from the workout program, how to use the equipment, and many more. So never make excuses about going to the gym anymore. Eveything is easy nowadays, duh.

Prepare Everything From Home
There are times I feel like I don't know what to do at the gym and it turns out because I haven't prepare the workout that I want to do yet. So I tried to google it, searched it, and tried it. Because I already learned from the experienced, it's so much better if you write down what you want to do at home so by the time you reach the gym, you just need to focus on your exercise that you already listed. Don't forget to write down your kind of workout and the weight. Because you want a change to your body right? so you have to be consistent into it. Going in with a plan is not only key for time management and effectiveness but also takes away the fear of the unknown. If you know exactly what exercises you want to accomplish and in what order, you’ll be able to focus on your workout — not the uncertainty of what to do next.

Bring Your Friends
If you are still confused about what to do and bored to workout alone, you can always bring your friends to workout together with you. Hitting the gym with a friend or family member who knows their way around can provide comfort, support, and guidance. Plus, doing so takes part of the unknown out of the equation. After you feel comfortable working out with your buddy, venture out on your own.

Remember Your Goal
Honestly speaking, there are times I feel like I dependent to my friends. Like I don't want to go to the gym if my friends not going to the gym. But I always remember my goal. Remember the reason why I want to go to the gym.

Be Confidence
Frankly speaking, no one is actually looking at you when you workout at the gym. People are focusing themselves to workout. Besides, a gym is a place to learn. No one doesn't make mistakes when practicing. But that doesn't mean you have to stop trying. The more you go, the more confident you’ll become and the easier stepping foot inside will be. It’s natural to want to avoid the gym if it provokes anxiety, but if you find coping mechanisms that work for you and stick with it, you’ll see improvement over time. So don’t give in to those feelings of insecurity! Keep your goals in mind, and stick with your fitness plans. Go to that exercise class a few more times, and before you know it, you’ll be just as confident as those people in the front row.

Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to grow. It's okay to feel anxious sometimes but never stop moving

Let me end this post by a quote from Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability
Sometimes it is good to be in uncomfortable situations because it is in finding our way out of such difficulties that we learn valuable lessons.


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