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Have you invested yourself in skincare beauty? Because I did. You may not think too much about your skincare routine, but the truth is you should. Your skin is one of the largest organs your body has, and it works hard everyday to protect our bodies from harmful elements.

You may think your skin is healthy today, but did you know your skin cells shed just about every minute of everyday? This means the healthy skin you have today will be shedding tomorrow, so if you don’t care for it now you could lose it to dull, less than perfect skin.

I don't believe if someone was born with a healthy skin. You genuinely believe that? I mean yes there are some but not all women are like that. Even artist and actor spent their money for taking care of their skin. They don't look as glowing as like that before. You don't believe me? I'm welcome you to take a look of their old photo. Isn't it different from before to right now?

Here's a disclaimer: 
I never mention that we need to pay something expensive to get a healthy skin. But if you are a skincare junkie and everything is alright with the price so why don't you try it?

In this post, I am going to share you my skincare routine and the transition of my skin before I never knew what skincare is.

I started to know skincare when I was in the third semester. Little did I knew that skincare is only a mask to put on the face to make our skin brighter. But actually, it's more complex than that. At that time, I decided to join my friend to consult to the doctor to know what kind of treatment I should do. I didn't remember the name and the place. It was near my friend's house and I never can went there without my friend. P.S: I don't remember the road easily. The place wasn't big and the doctor was so simple. I did facial right there, and I get a toner, day cream, and a night cream. The price wasn't that expensive as well. In two weeks after using it, my skin began to peel. The doctor said it was normal because it would be replaced with the new one so I was alright. In short, my face became brighhter, smooth, and I was confident to go out without putting so much make up. I was really insecure before. I never could go out without using BB Cream, Foundation, or whatever you name it. But at that time, I only use lip tint and a little bit of eyebrow.

As I told you that the place was far from my house and I didn't remember the road to go there, besides my friend and I rarely have the same free time, so I decided to quit. In a month after quitting on using it my face became soo oily. Imagine that I slept in my room with the 16'C, and I woke up as if someone threw oil all over my face.That was how the way I look like. Duh!

My second skincare came from Jafra product. So my mom joined some kind of MLM things, and one of them was Jafra. She recommended me to use one of that product because it used a natural ingredients and it wouldn't left something different if you quit using it so I tried. 

Credit: From Google

I considered to use the green one (for oily skin type) due to my face that easily get oily. I used that everyday. Everything went well and I love the mudmask because it reduces the oil on my face. My result of using it for 3 or 4 months (I guess) was, not so much change. It just reduces the oil and made my face smooth. I wanted something more. It wasn't enough for me. Eventually, I quit using it and I only used the mudmask (because I love it).

After several months, I was kinda lazy to try skincare from different places anymore. But the truth was, I got a heebie cheebies What if I already bought many things but it didn't turn out well for me?

Last year, my aunt recommended me to go to Natasha skincare. She loves skincare so much and she likes to try skincare from many different places. Oh well she actually changed the place because of some reasons. Natasha skincare located at PIK and it only took 15 minutes from my house. I consulted with the doctor right there. I was kind of startled to know that I actually has a dry skin. All I knew I have an oily skin type because you know my face got oily easily. It probably because of make up or the impact of using different thing on my face that made my face look so oily. 

When I was there, I did facial, jet peel, and I bought in bulk some skincare that the doctor recommended me to use daily. They were Facial wash, Toner, L22 Lightening Oil Serum, Sunblock, Night Cream, and Irritation Cream just in case my face hurted.

I didn't find the night cream on google but it looks exactly as same as the UV Filter Cream

Credit : From Google

Every two months, I went there to get a jet peel treatment because I just wanted to spoil my face and I took it as a self reward of working so hard. After several months, I am no longer went there for treatment until now. I only buy the serum and other things if it's started to run out. Besides I want to save some money, I'm kinda lazy to go there eventhough it only takes 15 minutes from my home. So, I decided to buy scrub and mask from Watson or Guardian.

My result of using Natastha skincare:
  • Luckily, my skin didn't peel like most people
  • It makes my face brighter
  • It makes my skin smooth like a baby butt
  • It moisturizes my skin but doesn't cause oiliness 

Yet, I am still using Natasha until now. I've no clue whether I am going to change to another skincare or still stuck with this one. I don't see something wrong happen to my face tho.

So in every week, I do scrub and mask for two or three times (if I am being diligent). I can say that my face is totally change to be better. Again, I love to spoil my face. In this pandemic where we adviced to stay at home, if only I can use scrub and mask every single day, I will definitely use that. But I can't. According to celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas statement, she says,  
"Exfoliating every day can strip the skin of its natural oils, which can cause breakouts. It can also cause irritation because you're removing the top layer of skin before it can heal."

My go to scrub goes to Whiteneng product. I purchased that twice. I ever changed to St. Ives coconut and coffee but it didn't work out pretty well to my face. And my go to mask is still mudmask Jafra which is the best for me. I have no thinking to change it until now.

Credit: From Google

So.. that is my journey of finding the best skincare for my face and my skincare routine for everyday. I am fully content and satisfied. You might be struggling on finding it, so I wish you a very good luck or you might already found your best one like me so congratulations for that. The key is, do not be afraid of trying a new thing. You will never know what will happened if you never try it.


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