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If you know me pretty well, you must be known that I am the type of person who likes to use social media a lot. Why? I simply looking for a friend to chat because those kind of applications could broaden my circle of friends. Of course if you use it well and meet the right person. You need to be extremely selective on picking a person to chat and to meet.

Speaking of meeting, let me just call it as a blind date to someone whom I just met from application eventhough there are many conversations going through texting before. Did you know? Believe it or not, blind date could boost your own self in many ways. Self-confidence is the feeling that you can accomplish something that might be challenging or impossible for others. It is based on prior successes, but it also comes from overcoming occasional setbacks. Let me point you out some advantages of blind date :

Blind date could boost your self confidence
As you go out with many men or women with different personality and type, there will be some of their habit that you like and you don't like. You'll learn about how to handle yourself toward these men or women. Indeed this thing will takes time based on your experience you got.

Blind date could add your experience
As I told you above about experience, this thing whether could be a topic to talk to your next crush or to your friend to share. Besides, this will become a reflections what you want to do in the next meeting with a new man if bad things happened in the past.

Blind date could set what you want
"I think I like a man with a haircut like this"
"I like when he speak softly to me. It's just feel nice to hear"
Have you ever noticed small things when you go on a date with someone else before? Because I did. Blind date could set what you want in the next future for the next man or next woman.

Blind date could grasp what you like and you don't like
"I don't like his point of view about dressing up. I think everyone should dress up well even in the very first meeting with someone else because that's something critical."
"I like when he surprises me in some trivial things. This man is definetely my type."
I bet some of you ever said something like this to yourself, your friends, or to your heart. We sometimes still have no clue what we actually like to be treated but by having a blind date, it could grasp what you like and you don't like.

Blind date could add your knowing
Yep of course it could add your knowing if you had a deep conversation and had a nice quality time with the right person. If your go conversation only about a day, where are you come from, school or work, and many more you only had a tiny pieces of insight from him or her. So please please and please be selective on picking person to talk if you want to add your knowing.

Blind date could broaden your circle of friends
There is nothing wrong if you ended up not having a relationship and become friend with your crush. Indeed, you can get many infomation, get to know his or her friend, be a travel buddy in the future, or become a discussion partner for having a good conversation. Who knows precisely the way to meet your ideal man or woman is through him?

As you had an intens yet interesting by exchanging text with someone else, there is something in the deep of your heart wants to meet this person in the real life. Does he gonna be the same person whom I knew from texting? Is he or she is more attractive in the real life? Is the photo the same as the real face? And the time has come. Your crush asks you out and you excitely prepare yourself to go on date. At this moment, I'm going to share you some tips what you have to do during your blind date which is based on my experience, my friend's experience, article, e book, and my imagination. At least, there are five tips out of hundred that I will summarize right here and I wish you a very good luck on your first date after reading this post.

Find a cool public place to hangout
As this is your first time to meet your crush, I'll recommend you to meet at a public place to avoid some undesirable things. You don't know exactly what kind of person you will meet. Trust me sometimes the person you like to exchange text everyday doesn't always mean that person is gonna be the same in the real life too. Having a good conversation at cafe is also a big opportunity for you to get to know your crush well.

Be proactive
This is gonna be hard if you are a person who doesn't like to open a conversation and is gonna be hard if you are a type of person who doesn't like a small talk. But that's gonna be alright if you takes time to practice it before. Being proactive means taking action to make changes yourself rather than reacting to things that happen. Ask your partner about everything. Open the conversation. Tell about how precious you are. Don't wait for him to start. You will always be attractive and special in someone's eyes if you are proactive.

Be confidence
Feel confident on the inside, and the outside. When you go on a date, especially for the first time with someone new, self-confidence will be as important a part of a “first impression” as what you are wearing. For me, first impression is more than anything. What people see at first is a look. So don't forget to give your best look to a new person. Don't wear something usual, be extraordinary and get out of your comfort zone. The point is, choose something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Wearing something that will make you feel self-conscious or physically uncomfortable will just give your mind one more distraction. The bonus is that you won’t spend hours agonizing over what to wear and put your mind into the fear state.

Know your intentions
Rather than considering what you want from the other person, go into the date thinking about what you want for yourself. “Do you want to get to know someone new? Do you want to have an enjoyable evening out? Setting an intention grounds you, and it gives you something to fall back on if you start feeling anxious in the moment. Just remember to breathe. What really matters here isn’t even the intention or the breathing, it’s that you remembered to do it. You decided to stay present with yourself.

Be a pleasant person
I know it's quite hard to be a pleasant person if your personality is kind of cold shoulder person. Like you don't care what people say about yourself. But if you really want to make people like you not just from your look, you need to try harder. Your crush doesn't want to stay longer to see how good looking you are, but they want to get to know about yourself, the way how you talk, your manner, your life, and everything. You don't need to always be serious in talking, but you can insert some jokes and a little bit of flirting to make the conversation going smoothly.

So you're going out for dinner with a guy you've never met. What are some valuable dating rules to keep in mind? You’re all set. You have the outfit, the gloss, the smile and the attitude. But, before you start dreaming of that, take a quick scan of my handy advice on dating safety rules.

Avoid watching a movie
So here's a little secret of men. There are many reasons why men like to ask women to watch a movie. Either they don't know what to talk, or they are thirsty for physical touch. If you are alright with skinship, go ahead. But I'll recommend you to not try it at the very first place. Why? Because you need to build the chemistry in conversation. You need to get to know this person well. You need to make they feel curious about yourself.

Be wise and dare to say NO
If your partner in blind date asks you something you don't want to do, refuse him or her. You have a right to say no. He or she might be feel disappointed and regret and the atmosphere become dark. You can try to explain it to him or her but maybe he or she will remain the same. But hey, you don't need to overthink about it. Don't just because you like that person you give her or him everything.

Dare to give a limit
So you're about to meet your blind date partner for the first time. You have something in mind you don't like to do and you like to do with your partner. Voice your opinion. If your reaction is negative and don't tell it, your partner might feel uncomfortable with yourself.

Don't take it to the heart
Sometimes, it feels nice to have a stone heart. Like you create moment with that person but you don't keep thinking about it. Not because it is meaningless but it's just you. You're not into someone who takes everything to the heart and that's okay.

Don't trust easily
So your blind date partner says something sweet about yourself and you're giggling because you feel impressed and happy. Things what you need keep in mind is, don't let yourself drowning to that person. It's your first time meeting him or her. Of course he or she wants to give the best impression to you and it probably he or she practices it before. The way to get to know the true color of that person is not in the first meeting. You need to meet for many times to know that person well. Indeed, there are some people who are sweet because they are just a sweet person but trust me they are rare.

When you're going on a date with someone you've never met before — whether that's someone you met on a dating app, a friend of a friend, or a totally blind date — it's normal to be a little nervous and worry that things won't go well. But it's important to remember that first dates don't necessarily have to be cause for stress: even if it doesn't turn into a second date, that's OK!

Above all, the focus of all your dates — regardless of who they’re with — should be having fun! Even if nothing romantic comes of a date, as long as you had a good time and made memories, the time wasn’t wasted.


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