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Hi ..

I'm going to share you about Festival UMB which was held on June 2014. Let me tell you first, Festival UMB is one of the annual event from Mercu Buana University. There are some competitions that every unit organizations held on Festival UMB. So do MBEC! Mercu Buana English Club held Speech Competition on this event. This time, me and my friends chosen to be a committee. I feel so excited yet feel doubt. I've never been to be a committee before and I excited because this is the greatest chance for me.  

This speech competition was held for Senior High School and was held for two days.
Well, let's take a look some photos which were taken by my photographer friend. 

Nah, she's the head of this event and she is my friend. Let me introduce you. Her name is Jeges Roina and she's from Broadcasting major. Hello Jeges :D

WEFIE :D She's my friend too and we come from the same major. Hi Adriana Despanca ^-^

The judges for Speech Competition this year!

This is how the competition begun. I found some great people here.

Day 2 ~
Day one already finished and day two was the last day for this speech competition. I completely sad that it came to an end. I mean I like this event so much.

By the way, I took a picture with some Senior High School students here. Well, let's check this one out :

By the way, I wore skirt in this day two. I didn't really like to wear skirt because I'm comfortable with boyish style but let me give it a try for this event.

I also took a picture with other Senior High School student. Am I getting popular now? :P

So here's come to an end of the Speech Competition. Congratulations for all the winner, you all really deserve it!
and thank you for the experience that I got in this event. That's all mean to me.


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